Three-Day Transfer Station Management (US Version)








SWANA's Transfer Station Management (US Version) course examines the core components of transfer stations — planning, design, operations, and management — and trains you to make sound, justifiable decisions even during challenging times.

SWANA offers this course as a stand-alone learning experience that can also be used to supplement the learning and experience needed to prepare for certification in this discipline. Please note that passing a certification exam requires amassing knowledge, skills, and abilities over time from a variety of sources; no one course provides all of the knowledge needed to pass a certification exam. Knowledge is typically gained over time from years of experience in the field; online courses, webinars, and podcasts; in-person seminars, events, and workshops; and on-the-job training.

OBJECTIVES: As a result of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the steps, factors, local requirements in site selection, and development, and conceptual design
  • Describe site-specific characteristics, such as building design, peak flows, waste processing, and hauling technologies
  • Implement procedures to protect transfer station property, identify problematic waste, and comply with requirements
  • Minimize risk to personnel
  • Maintain and properly use diverse equipment
  • Comply with regulatory requirements and develop a comprehensive record

CONTENT: The comprehensive Transfer Station Management course covers the following essential topics and includes supplemental images, graphs, and real-world examples for effective transfer station management.

  • Siting and Conceptual Design
  • Large Transfer Station Design
  • Small Transfer Stations and Convenience Centers
  • Efficient Operation and Maintenance
  • Equipment Operation and Maintenance
  • Emergency and Contingency Plans
  • Regulatory and Permit Compliance
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Health and Safety
  • Record Keeping
  • Communication

Who Should Attend?

Ideal for solid waste directors and supervisors, transfer station managers, developers, consulting engineers, and those who aspire to those positions.

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