Full Name
Jason Todaro
Job Title
Solid Waste Operations Consultant
Blue Ridge Services
Personal Bio
Mr. Todaro has over 20 years of varied experience in the heavy construction, utility, and solid waste industries. Since joining Blue Ridge Services, Inc. (BRS), as a solid waste operations consultant, he has performed on-site consulting and training services at solid waste facilities throughout North America and abroad. Additionally, he has been a key team member on numerous projects that did not require his expertise on-site. In every case, his clients have benefited from his extensive background. A sample of his current duties include: operational training, facility management and oversight, time motion studies, transportation modeling, waste cell optimization, process analysis and improvement, heavy equipment utilization and operation, safety training, operational benchmarking, management consulting, landfill aerial thermal imaging and solid waste facility assessment work.

Mr. Todaro has worked on a wide variety projects in the solid waste industry, ranging from a landfill litter control assessment for several regional Canadian Landfills, heavy equipment training for a large urban transfer station, hands-on operational training for landfills (5-8000 tons per day), assessment of 15 facilities during a high level review of a waste transfer and disposal system, conducted operational/financial reviews and analysis for landfill operations and performed a waste characterization study for a C&D landfill.

Mr. Todaro has conducted numerous Comprehensive Operational Reviews (CORE’s) and High Level Reviews for clients located throughout the North America. His ability to capture relevant data, quickly grasp operational issues and identify practical solutions has enabled him to save clients millions of dollars by analyzing and improving operational techniques.

Using his broad experience, Mr. Todaro has played a key role in expanding the on-site training capabilities of BRS. He has conducted numerous training programs in North America and abroad. At landfills and transfer stations in the North America, he has conducted training events ranging from 1 day to several months in duration. He has addressed topics that include: equipment maintenance, landfill operations, landfill/equipment fire prevention, grade-checking/survey, heavy equipment training, waste compaction optimization, cell construction optimization, ADC optimization and supervisor/manager mentoring.
Jason Todaro