onDemand Managing Recycling Systems Training Course

Learn how to design and develop a sustainable recycling program.

SWANA’s onDemand Managing Recycling Systems Training Course focuses on recycling materials found in municipal solid waste generated from residential, commercial, and institutional sources. It equips you with tools and information to successfully plan, develop, market, and manage recycling programs, and addresses collection, processing, application of end-use standards, and protection of human health and the environment. It does not include hazardous wastes, household hazardous wastes, or special wastes.

 SWANA offers this course as a stand-alone learning experience that can also be used to supplement the learning and experience needed to prepare for certification in this discipline. Please note that passing a certification exam requires amassing knowledge, skills, and abilities over time from a variety of sources; no one course provides all of the knowledge needed to pass a certification exam. Knowledge is typically gained over time from years of experience in the field; online courses, webinars, and podcasts; in-person seminars, events, and workshops; and on-the-job training.

OBJECTIVES: As a result of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the elements associated with designing and developing a sustainable recycling program
  • Determine acceptable material quality and requirements for existing and emerging markets
  • Apply quality requirements and regulatory standards of a "Buy Recycled" program
  • Identify program costs and revenues required to develop funding
  • Establish and manage contracts for recycling services
  • Select the appropriate tools for recyclable collection
  • Plan an education and outreach program

CONTENT: The comprehensive onDemand Managing Recycling Systems Training Course covers the following essential topics and includes supplemental images, graphs, and real-world examples to use in recycling program management.

  • Program Planning
  • Recycling Markets
  • Recyclable Materials
  • Processing of Recyclables
  • Contracting
  • Education and Outreach
  • Funding
  • End-User Standards and Quality Requirements
  • Human Health and the Environment

This course is designed as a 100% self-study, online learning experience.

You will receive access to 9 video recordings of the lessons, the manual, and supplemental materials. (The hard-copy coursebook is available at an additional charge.)

Upon completion of the course, SWANA awards participants 30 Professional Development Hours (PDHs), formerly known as CEUs, to apply toward a current SWANA certification.

To ensure you receive the CEUs, send an email to certification@swana.org when you have completed the course.

Ideal for facility owners, operators, manufacturers, managers, supervisors and employees involved in the daily operation of a recycling facility or program and those who aspire to these job roles

The Certification Exam is NOT included with the course purchase. If you wish to pursue certification, visit our Become Certified Page or email certification@swana.org for more information. 

Exam Cost






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