Full Name
Jimmy Sloan
Job Title
Jimmy Rigged Services
Personal Bio
Mr. Jimmy Sloan is the Executive Director of a Regional Solid Waste Management Authority (GRSWMA) created by twelve independent, taxing, political subdivisions for the purpose of providing solid waste management within their geographic area. He reports to a Board of Commissioners consisting of 33 members appointed by the member entities. He is responsible for the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan including the development, approval, modification, revision, and plan implementation.
Mr. Sloan works with all the member entities - private organizations, local elected officials, environmental regulators, hauling companies, and other interested parties - to ensure that the needs and wants of the community are included in the solid waste management plan and that the plan is implemented and results are achieved. Additionally, he works with the same parties, the MS Magnolia SWANA Chapter, and state legislators to create, vet, and develop regulations and laws governing solid waste in the state to achieve the desired benefits laid out in the Solid Waste Management Plan.
Mr. Sloan works with all the member entities - private organizations, local elected officials, environmental regulators, hauling companies, and other interested parties - to ensure that the needs and wants of the community are included in the solid waste management plan and that the plan is implemented and results are achieved. Additionally, he works with the same parties, the MS Magnolia SWANA Chapter, and state legislators to create, vet, and develop regulations and laws governing solid waste in the state to achieve the desired benefits laid out in the Solid Waste Management Plan.
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![Jimmy Sloan](https://assets.swoogo.com/uploads/medium/2339985-63dbdc2247fe4.jpg)