Tuesday, April 16, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (MST)
Promoting Carbon Sequestration and Improved Gas Collection in Local Landfill Sustainability
Meeting Room 160

There is a growing need to engage with communities to evolve the waste industry’s sustainability transparency and demonstrate the industry’s efforts to become climate champions. More communities are developing greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory reports and climate action plans. These reports can affect local perceptions of waste operations, so it is vital that landfills and waste operations proactively show climate impacts. Proactive engagement is key to prevent operators reactively demonstrating how facilities provide sustainability benefit, and sustain local relationships with a communities who are increasingly climate-conscious. A study was conducted to show GHG emissions and reductions from local waste facilities. The results showed how circular economy solutions, such as accelerated gas recovery are vital to meet climate goals. It highlighted how gas recovery with beneficial reuse alongside limiting direct emissions from the landfill surface may be strategic actions that are economically feasible in meeting net-zero carbon. Landfill carbon sequestration was a major carbon store yet there is lack of engagement over its benefits, even though it is acknowledged by the IPCC and EPA. The presentation aims to discuss the process of carbon sequestration and present various resources that acknowledge and offer calculation methods. The presentation aims to present the findings that show how carbon sequestration and gas recovery can be beneficial in sharing local landfill sustainability efforts, and will show how local sustainability efforts could be shared to improve sustainability transparency.

Kate Howe