Wednesday, April 17, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM (MST)
California Food Recovery Legislation and Implementation
Meeting Room 164

This session will first walk through how California’s SB 1383, the organics diversion law, was implemented in California, how are things going since implementation started, and how this precedent might affect landfilling and composting nationwide. The session will then provide a detailed case study example of an edible food recovery program development in Carlsbad, CA as driven by this new mandate. SB 1383 requires jurisdictions to implement an edible food recovery program. These edible food recovery program requirements place new responsibilities on jurisdictions who have a limited historic role in the food recovery space. Food recovery is often a complex system that involves transportation and delivery logistics, food safety requirements and guidelines, and ongoing coordination between food donors and recipients.

Keshav Parikh Doug Eagleton Molly Reeves Avecita Jones