Tuesday, April 16, 2024
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM (MST)
Cutting Emissions, Boosting Revenue: Transforming Landfill Gas to Energy
Mainspring Energy - Booth 338

For decades, Landfill Gas -to-Electricity (LFGTE) projects have shown us a smart way to turn methane emissions into profit. Yet the model used in more straightforward LFGTE projects doesn’t work economically for thousands of stranded, more difficult landfill gas projects across the US. At the same time, there is growing demand for electricity. This demand is largely driven by the rise of data centers and electric vehicles. Engage with Nodal Power’s Bryan Black and Mainspring Energy’s Matt Shumway to explore how LFGTE projects are evolving to increase profitability with more efficient technology. Learn about alternative business models and innovative technology that are enabling more landfills to cut emissions and boost revenue.

landfill gas generator

Bryan Black Matt Shumway