Full Name
Mr James A Skora
Job Title
District Coordinator
Ashland County Solid Waste Management District
Personal Bio
Jim Skora is the District Coordinator for Ashland County Solid Waste Management District. Jim has thirty years of hazardous and solid waste management experience in the private and public sectors. Jim has successfully provided technical and project management support to commercial and government clients in Ohio and throughout the country. His experience includes Ohio EPA Solid Waste Management and Planning, Solid Waste Management Training, Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) compliance, Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance and Property Transfer Environmental Site Assessments (PTSA). Jim is a graduate of Bowling Green State University with a B.S. in Environmental Science.

Jim began his career as an environmental specialist with a large hazardous waste management company. During his private sector career, Jim was responsible for developing and operating Ohio’s first permanent Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Facility, the development of a nationwide on-site environmental consulting program, and management of a regional technical services group with responsibilities including oversight of various lab packing operations and HHW collection events. Jim then moved into the public sector as the Executive Director of the Summit/Akron Solid Waste Management Authority where he was responsible for the implementation and management of Summit County’s Solid Waste Management Plan. Jim also worked with Ohio’s Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections developing a statewide Electronics Recycling Program.

Jim currently manages the Lorain County Collection Center for the District and is the Program Manager for the NCO Solid Waste District for Champagn, Madison and Shelby counties.

Jim is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM) and is SWANA Certified in Municipal Solid Waste Collection Systems and Integrated Solid Waste Management Systems. Jim also is a faculty member of SWANA and teaches the Integrated Solid Waste Management and Collections courses and sits on SWANA’s International Advisory Board representing Ohio.
James Skora