Why Exhibit at WASTECON 2024?

SWANA is the world’s largest member-based association for the solid waste and resource management industry, representing over 10K public and private sector professionals in the US, Canada, the Caribbean, and Pacific Basin. SWANA is the one organization that brings together solid waste and resource management professionals from the public, private, university, and non-profit sectors.

Picture YOUR organization attracting attention from distinguished members of the solid waste and resource management community; with an exhibit, you can build substantial rapport with industry leaders.

Join your colleagues and present products and services to propel the field of solid waste forward in exciting new directions.

WASTECON provides your company a unique opportunity to showcase your products and services to industry professionals and executives from the United States, Canada, and world-wide.

Leaders show their commitment attending and returning to WASTECON to:

  • Find new resources for their community
  • Evaluate and procure new solutions for managing waste and recycled materials
  • Provide their community with safe management of waste and resources
  • Educate policymakers and provide new options for them to consider
  • Attract new talent for their teams—including finding new ways to address the driver and mechanic shortage

What’s included with your exhibit space?

There are several features included with every exhibit space, so be sure to take advantage of all opportunities to better promote your company. Benefits include:

  • Inline booths will receive a company identification sign (7"×44") for booth.
  • Company identification signs for island booths are available upon request.
  • Inline booths will receive 8′ high back drape and 3′ high side rail drape.
  • Two (2) full conference exhibitor badges per 100 sq. ft. exhibit space.
  • Access to the WASTECON online meeting system which allows your registered booth personnel to set up meetings before, during, and after the show. This system also provides you with insight into who has registered to attend the conference.
  • Exhibitors will receive a link to the WASTECON registration list on or before October 1, 2024.
  • Additional booth furnishings may be provided by the exhibitor and/or rented through WASTECON’s general contractor, Freeman.

Exhibit Information

Create a lasting impression with event attendees and exhibitors, many of whom are key leaders in solid waste management and processing. Become an integral part of a dynamic community that pursues groundbreaking approaches to creating a cleaner and more sustainable future, while growing your knowledge base through networking and attendee interaction. WASTECON is the place for solid waste professionals to:

  • Discuss current industry topics
  • Attend technical sessions
  • Explore cutting edge products and services

Exhibit space rates

  • 100–300 sq. ft.: $37.50/sq. ft.
  • 400+ sq. ft.: $35/sq. ft.
  • Corner Fees Apply: $350 per corner

Exhibit hall hours (subject to change)

  • Monday: 5:00–7:00 p.m., opening reception in the exhibit hall
  • Tuesday: 10:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., including lunch in the exhibit hall
  • Wednesday: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m., including lunch in the exhibit hall