Kevin Hyatt
Sr. VP Business Development
Nopetro Energy
Kevin Hyatt currently serves as Senior Vice President of Business Development for Nopetro Energy. He has an impressive background spanning multiple facets of the energy sector, including energy financial analysis, natural gas supply and marketing, liquid and gas pipeline asset development, gas processing, electric power marketing, gas liquids marketing, and strategic mergers and acquisitions. His diverse experience across various departments gives him a unique perspective on the RFP process.

Prior to Nopetro, Hyatt held key positions at companies such as Enron; Transwestern Pipeline, Energy Transfer Partners; Gavilon, LLC; EnLink Midstream; and NextDecade LNG. Hyatt has an MBA in international finance from the University of Houston and BSBA from the University of Nebraska. He lives in Dallas, TX, and he and his wife have three grown children and four grandchildren.