Amanda S Wade
Solid Waste Program Manager
Amanda Wade is an Environmental Engineer (licensed in Maine) with 22 years of solid waste experience. During this time, she has overseen and/or designed numerous solid waste liner and closure projects throughout the State of Maine ranging in complexity from rural municipal landfills to papermill landfills to large-scale commercial facilities. Over the last five years, she has also assisted in the evaluation and permitting of numerous solar-on-landfill projects throughout New England.

Wade spent the first 15 years of her career with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection in the Solid Waste Engineering Unit, where she provided input on siting, design, construction, remediation, and operational aspects of landfills, composting facilities, transfer stations, solid waste recycling facilities, and processing facilities. While a member of the MDEP, she also assisted in the development of the early protocol for investigation of gas migration through landfill cover systems, assisted in the drafting of solid waste regulations, and worked with the Maine Center of Disease Control on the establishment of applicable Ambient Air Guidelines.

Since leaving the MDEP, in 2015, Wade has worked as a consultant, managing projects, providing technical support, and serving as the Engineer of Record for numerous solid waste facilities throughout Maine. In 2020, she was elected to the Board of the Northern New England Chapter of SWANA and, in 2021, became Chapter Secretary.
Amanda Wade