Thursday, October 24, 2024
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM (CDT)
Grapevine 2/3
Evaluation and Management of PFAS in Landfill Leachate and Gases

With the continued improvements in PFAS detection in materials and updated regulations around their disposal, landfills are facing new challenges on a daily basis. From the need to understand how recent MCLs may impact groundwater monitoring and remediation, to understanding what wastewater treatment facilities may require for leachate pre-treatment and, ultimately, to facing disposal needs for wastes that may have been previously diverted from landfills, this presentation will help prepare landfill operators for the future of PFAS management. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Perform an audit of their operations to determine the potential sources of PFAS and evaluate available treatment technologies. 

  • Recognize how regulation changes may affect monitoring requirements around their facility. 

  • Plan discussions with their communities to discuss how lined landfills continue to be a safe disposal option for PFAS containing wastes. 

Amanda Wade Patrick McKeown