Robert Hilton
HF&H Consultants
Rob Hilton is the President of HF&H. Since 2002, he has provided a wide range of consulting services on more than 500 projects for more than 150 public agencies. Hilton leads HF&H’s contracting team in support of more than a dozen communities each year that are either competitively procuring or negotiating solid waste collection, processing, and/or disposal contracts. Additionally, he has assisted communities throughout the state in the process of developing strategic plans to achieve their high diversion or zero waste goals. Rob has presented several papers to industry organizations on the subject of how to develop sustainable funding strategies that support zero waste systems.

From 2014 to 2017, Hilton served as the President of the Board of Directors of the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA). He earned a BA in Political Science / Public Administration from the University of California, Davis.
Robert Hilton