Ryan March
VP Innovation & Expansion
Leachate Management Specialists
Ryan March is Vice President of Innovation and Expansion at Leachate Management Specialists (LMS), where he helps expand the use of green technologies in the solid waste industry to simply "Do Leachate Better!" He helps his clients manage PFAS, lower costs, prevent being cut off from a WWTP, and reduce their carbon footprint, March has built a career developing companies and technologies with a focus on sustainability and improved performance. His mission is to make landfill and wastewater operations better. His client cost savings over 22 years have resulted in more than a billion dollars for operational and maintenance improvements. March's FlowScience Advanced Liquids Treatment Technologies benefit carbonite and leachate scale formations on pipes and surfaces through electromagnetic, vibrative pulse that doesn’t allow hard calcium deposits to form. The technology also solves the new sticky problem known as black goo.