Tuesday, October 22, 2024
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM (CDT)
Hall ABC
Clogged Collection Systems are a Massive Problem: Neglect Will Haunt Your Operations

Cleaning leachate collection systems (LCS) is like going to the dentist: no one wants to do it and we often leave it until we absolutely have to, however necessary it might be. Keeping LCS flowing is not only necessary, but vital. Physical removal, chemical removal, and jetting are some of the conventional, repetitive practices, and some sites dedicate millions per year to combat precipitants and cloggers. This session will help you decide and evaluate a defense against clogging and precipitation for various landfill operations and equipment.   

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Distinguish why and how leachate scale and black goo form. 

  • Make decisions on the best defense against clogging and precipitation for various landfill operations and equipment. 

  • Analyze different approaches to long-term management of precipitants and goo.