Ms. Lynsey K. Baer
Chief of Engineering
Delaware Solid Waste Authority
Lynsey Baer has a Bachelors in Civil Engineering and a Masters in Civil Engineering, with a concentration in Geotechnical Engineering, both from the University of Delaware. She is a Professional Engineer and a Board-Certified Environmental Engineer from the State of Delaware American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists. Lynsey Baer has over 20 years of experience in solid waste management as a civil engineering professional. She currently serves as the Chief of Engineering, with responsibility for the $160 million capital improvement program, landfill gas system operations and regulatory compliance as including the landfill gas to energy contracts for the state. Baer joined SWANA and the Mid Atlantic Chapter in 2006. Baer has served many roles within the association and is currently serving as the Treasurer on SWANA’s Board of Directors.