Tuesday, April 18, 2023
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (EDT)
Concurrent Session: A New Waste Paradigm: Sustainable Materials Management And The Circular Economy
Room A302 (GWCC)

For much too long what happens to products when we're done with them was considered irrelevant to those who produce them. Meanwhile plastic fills our oceans, toxic chemicals pollute our food and water, and the climate is in chaos. The Circular Economy has long been considered just a fantasy, but no more! Learn how we're closing the loop on packaging, food waste, and much more! That National Stewardship Action Council is leading the nation by demanding radical transparency and truth in labeling so consumers can vote with their dollars, negotiating producer responsibility legislation with the country’s largest packaging producers, and advocating for a national bottle bill. Find out how to connect the dots and bring your operation into the new millennium!

Tim Goncharoff Heidi Sanborn Caroline James