Tuesday, April 18, 2023
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM (EDT)
Concurrent Session:Creating A Culture Of Accountability, Diversity And Inclusion
Room A314 (GWCC)

Learn how to lead with inclusion to inspire, motivate, engage and attract new employees.  Wouldn't it be easy if we just worked with robots? Just turn them on, and they worked, and reprogram them as necessary.  Unfortunately, this is not the case. It’s becoming harder to attract top talent and motivate them to achieve your goals.  It is especially critical to account for the challenges of remote employees and the diverse mix of people, with different personalities, ages, and work ethics. Learn skills to inspire employees, and increase performance, all while improving morale. This session teaches a 180-degree approach and a simple acronym, “MVP” to remember how to make sustainable change.

Susan Janssen