Wednesday, April 19, 2023
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM (EDT)
Concurrent Session: Finding the Right Contractor for Sustainable Materials Management
Room A302 (GWCC)
In today’s environment, materials management not only requires multiple tools for identifying the right partner, but a mindful approach to tackling the challenges of circularity, costs, and climate change. Solely mechanical procurements and contracts now realize the need for conscientious partnerships in our hyper-aware, complex world. Through real-world examples participants will learn current strategies and tools that will lead to interactive, round-table discussions. Whether representing the public or private sector, participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how they may strengthen current and future partnerships to face today’s challenges.

Bethany Jewell - Kessler Consulting Inc
Jennefer Klennert - HDR
Allison Trulock - NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC
Jennefer Klennert - HDR
Allison Trulock - NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC