Wednesday, April 19, 2023
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM (EDT)
Concurrent Session: Embracing New Technology – A Path To Peril Or Prosperity?
Room A315/316 (GWCC)

Today we are nearing a collision of growing waste generation, increasing pressure for more sustainable solutions in dealing with waste, few proven solutions that can be easily implemented, and an industry slow to change.

David McConnell and Michael Timpane address the potential impacts to the industry of continuing to resist change and what can be gained from embracing new technology.

What started a dozen years ago as an experiment to recapture paper fiber from products like coated paper cups going to landfills, has evolved into a proven patented technology that sanitizes and separates materials previously considered unrecyclable because of coatings or food contamination. This technology captures paper fiber along with metals and plastics for reuse, and has the ability to generate biogas. More than a year after startup and continual operation, the first commercial installation is diverting 50-60% of the waste it processes from landfill – nearly tripling the local diversion rate – with the potential to divert up to 90%.

David McConnell Michael Timpane