Separate registration is required.
Tour Fee: $59
Join us for the SOAR facility tour.
The HAMM Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Lawrence, Kansas is a state-of-the-art system designed to process 10 tons of single stream recycling material per hour. The equipment selection, platforms, and layout provide maximum operating efficiency, but most importantly include safety by design at every step.
Hamm’s highly engineered and environmentally-safe MSW landfill has been designated for non-recyclable waste materials and utilize state of-the-art, eco-friendly controls including: load screening, inspection, leachate collection systems, groundwater monitoring, and geosynthetic clay and synthetic liner systems. It has been designed, operated and maintained to meet and exceed local, state, and federal regulations.
Enerdyne Power Systems, Inc. commissioned (2017) and is operating a landfill gas to high-btu pipeline quality natural gas under the name Renewable Power Producers (“RPP”). RPP is located on the Hamm Sanitary Landfill in Lawrence, KS. The facility is designed to process up to 4000 standard cubic feet per minute of landfill gas and will ultimately supply its renewable natural gas (“RNG”) to meet growing demand in the vehicle fuel market.
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