Monday, March 21, 2022
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (CDT)
Leachate & Landfill Liquids Committee Meeting
Kansas City Convention Center - Room 2103C
Addresses leachate treatment costs, which represent one of the largest (if not the largest) cost category for many landfills. In addition, wastewater discharge regulations are tightening and, as a result, there’s a growing interest in and need for on-site treatment.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
For those not at their computers, audio only is available by calling: PLEASE CHECK NUMBER!!!!
Conference ID: 274.423.2416[KA1]
Please access the link a few minutes ahead of conference call time to confirm you are able to connect on the web!!!
- Introduction Ivan Cooper
- Welcome
- Round Robin member introductions
- Committee role within SWANA
- Leadership and transition
- Training Jeremy O’Brien
- Soar Committee Training Presentations
- Future activities
- Leachate Treatment Survey Jeremy O’Brien
- There is a desire to update the survey of 5 years ago;
- We want to address how LFs approach/aware of PFAS;
- Need to stress confidentiality;
- Stormwater Arie Kremen
- In previous meeting in2021, we discussed stormwater. Suggestion to produce a 1 – 2 page fact sheet on stormwater issues; EPA issued detailed guidance January 2021
- Jeremy O’Brien and Arie Kremen offered to look at WEF’s stormwater fact sheet as a guide,
- We want to engage a YP to collaborate
- PFASwiki Arie Kremen
- The SWANA homepage has PFAS information;
- PFAS Subcommittee previously worked on a PFAS wiki.
- Can it be revived;
- Discussed how the SWANA PFAS page and be a link to the PFASwiki;
- Expand scope of PFASwiki to organics and composting (Jeremy O’Brien)
- State requirements for Leachate Treatment System Operators?
- Develop requirement matrix
- Another YP opportunity
- Leachate Treatment Survey Jeremy O’Brien
- Committee Transition Ivan Cooper/Arie Kremen
- Ivan Cooper to be past chair, Arie Kremen Chair, Bernie Rieder Vice Chair (3 yr term).
- Scheduling of committee meetings
- Open Discussion