Wednesday, April 17, 2024
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM (MST)
Responsible Innovation: Ethical Framework for AI in Waste Management
Meeting Room 160

Embark on a comprehensive examination of ethical considerations within waste management through our workshop, titled “Responsible Innovation: Ethical Frameworks for AI in Waste Management.” This session is designed to uncover the substantial potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as it relates to the solid waste industry, underscoring the importance of responsible innovation. The workshop begins by providing an overview of the pivotal role that AI plays in waste management, serving as a foundation for an in-depth exploration of the ethical impacts intrinsic to its implementation.

The workshop offers a comprehensive understanding of key facets crucial for responsible integration of AI technology. Algorithmic bias, data privacy, and security are explored in the session, highlighting the possible repercussions of improper utilization. Participants will delve into the significance of transparency and accountability in AI algorithms, with a focus on establishing trust with stakeholders. This is followed by discussions of real-world case studies outlining the ethical considerations in AI applications. Then, the regulatory landscape is analyzed, summarizing existing guidelines and regulations, alongside presenting best practices for developing and deploying AI responsibly. The workshop concludes by summarizing key takeaways, emphasizing the significant ethical and moral implications of AI technology as it relates to the solid waste industry today as well as into the future.

Christopher Toevs