Course Faculty

Executive Director
Chester County Solid Waste Authority

Robert Watts has been the Executive Director of the Chester County Solid Waste Authority (CCSWA) for more than 25 years. CCSWA operates a landfill, composting operation and a residential recycling drop off center that is in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA.
For SWANA, Mr., Watts currently serves as the Awards Committee Chairman of the Landfill Technical Division. He was member of SWANA’s International Board for more than 10 years. Mr. Watts is on the SWANA Faculty and has been a MOLO instructor for more than 20 years. He is the former director of the Landfill Gas and Biogas Technical Division.

Assistant General Manager
Guahan Waste Control

Dave Lore has been a solid waste director and manager for over 20 years, operating and managing municipal solid waste (MSW) and construction and demolition (C&D) landfills. He is the 2016 recipient of Outstanding SWANA Faculty of the Year, and is certified in five SWANA certification disciplines. Mr. Lore has been a SWANA Certified Faulty for the past 11+ years.
Mr. Lore is a solid waste manager with over 20 years’ experience in solid and hazardous waste, supervising permitting, construction, and operation for MSW and C&D landfills, MSW collections, recycling facilities, compost facilities, and household hazardous waste (HHW) facilities. Developed policies and regulations, recommended and lobbied for laws, concerning solid waste. He has taught environmental and landfill trainings for SWANA in chapter events, regional, and national trainings. He has conducted public meetings and school presentations to promote environmental and solid waste issues.