Donovan Maginnis
Solid Waste Planner Scheduler
City of Tampa - Tampa, FL
Donovan Maginnis has decades of experience in local government, with particular focus in effective leadership, communicating, and training. He has found success across a wide range of experience, from high-pressure emergency situations, where seconds matter and quick thinking can save lives, to developing long-term strategic frameworks reached by planning and organizing efforts across multiple departments. Whether standing up the Tactical Dispatch center during the Republican National Convention (Tampa, 2012), recruiting and training eager new hires for a job that demands much but offers little extrinsic value, or loading up a truck at 5:30 in the morning to deploy a team and wade through flooded Bayshore Boulevard, he has consistently contributed to making government truly work for the people it serves. Maginnis has leveraged his range of experience to help implement a technical project that brought the City of Tampa’s Solid Waste and Environmental Program Management Department into a fully integrated 21st century.
Donovan Maginnis