Wednesday, April 19, 2023
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM (EDT)
Concurrent Session: Taking Charge of Efficient Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Management
Room A314 (GWCC)

With the increase in popularity and use of EVs in North America, there is growing concern related to the solid waste management of its associated batteries. This concern is mainly due to the lack of established regulations for their handling, inconsistent and minimal recycling practices, and significant safety issues during their transportation and disposal. SWANA's inaugural class of YPLA 2022 will present their project report to elaborate the challenges and recommend potential solutions for efficient electric vehicle management.

The presentation includes, but is not limited to, an overview of EV batteries, including the history of EVs, the definition of an EV battery, sources of EV batteries, current infrastructure related to EVs, and the current and future market trends of EVs; challenges associated with EV batteries from a regulatory, recycling and safety perspective; recommendations and solutions for EV battery management, categorized into upstream, midstream, and downstream recommendations, as well as recommendations for SWANA involvement; and advancement of research related to EV battery management.

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Allie Omens Rana Mandour Ashley Schaaf Emily Tucker John Holmes Naret Treviño Prabhjot Usmani