Monday, March 21, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT)
Joint Meeting of the Landfill Gas & Biogas Field Practices and Extraction & Control Committees
Kansas City Convention Center - Room 2103C
Landfill Gas & Biogas Tech Divsion's Field Practices Committee tracks and communicates developments and practices for LFG collection systems through a Manual of Practice
for three areas: Health and Safety, Materials and Equipment, and Sampling and Analysis.
Landfill Gas & Biogas Tech Division's Extraction and Control Systems Committee uses the combined experience and knowledge base of the industry to upgrade standards of practice in the design and installation of landfill gas and biogas management systems.
Topics for this meeting include:
- Discussion of committee focus for upcoming year
- Preparation of white paper on NESHAP enhanced monitoring for wellhead temperature exceedances
- Soliciting topics/volunteers for I AM SWANA News articles
Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting.