Wednesday, April 17, 2024
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM (MST)
YP/EP Panel Discussion
Meeting Room 166 & 167

Our conference panel offers an innovative session for a dynamic exchange of ideas. This unique event will be comprised of two segments: separate group responses from a group of Experienced Professionals and a group of Young Professionals followed by a joint discussion to unravel the intricacies of their perspectives. The panel will begin with each group separately responding to a curated set of questions that encompasses topics within our industry; Leadership, technological advancements, work-life balance, etc. The contrasting viewpoints and innovative ideas that emerge from these discussions will reflect the diversity of thought from each group. Following the individual sessions, the panel will convene for a collective exchange of ideas. This intersection of generational perspectives will serve as a platform for cross-generational learning.

Allison Trulock Allie Omens Kelli Farmer Wes Glakas David Penoyer Joseph Giudice