Wednesday, December 7, 2022
12:00 PM - 12:20 PM (PST)
Booth 418 - Waga Energy
Catalyst Session: Leveraging RNG potential on small and medium size landfills, while welcoming high levels of N2
Landfills are rich sources of biogas. In the USA, there are more than 2,500 landfills, and only 20% have operational waste-to-energy facilities. Most of existing facilities convert landfill gas to electricity, and the few Renewable Natural Gas facilities were built at large landfills, exceeding 3000 scfm. In the past three years we have noticed an undeniable shift in preference for RNG projects on landfills. With that in mind, we would like to raise a discussion around the parameters to consider for RNG projects in order to promote the utmost benefit for landfills between the mark of 600 – 3000 scfm, the environment and the community around them.

Corina Sheridan - Waga Energy
Frank Lauro - WAGA ENERGY
Bryan Johnson - Waga Energy
Tanguy Largeau - Waga Energy
Frank Lauro - WAGA ENERGY
Bryan Johnson - Waga Energy
Tanguy Largeau - Waga Energy