What makes a song successful? Many times it’s the hook, or the title grabs you. Maybe the melody is memorable, or the chorus is catchy. Creating a “theme song” to concisely capture and convey your overall mission or the direction you want your people and organization to go in is a powerful tool to improve focus and drive change. In this keynote presentation we’ll explore the best in-house slogans of all time and how to create our own internal tagline that everyone will rally around.
It’s a way to reset, recharge, and re-energize your people and point them in a direction with energy, enthusiasm, and focus. These one-sentence micro mission statements are perfect for short-term goals, projects, new initiatives, and other areas you want to change the thinking and get buy in.
In this keynote presentation we’ll explore the best way to capture the direction you want your people go, gets them to pull together, pushes them to do more, and holds everything together with one cohesive message.