Wednesday, September 27, 2023
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM (EDT)
Booth 1110 - EverestLabs
Catalyst Session: Do more with AI and data to enhance your MRF

n this session, JD Ambati, founder and CEO of EverestLabs, will discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) can help MRFs identify and capture more granular data on what materials are coming in at their plants, being recovered, and sent to landfill amid EPR. This data can serve as the basis for EPR-driven audits in a continuous fashion with visibility for all stakeholders including recyclers, producers and non-profit or government agencies. Not only can AI and data hold EPR programs accountable by using data to validate the success of EPR targets, it can also result in changes in the design of packaging materials that will help improve the circularity of a product. JD will also touch on how EverestLabs provides MRFs powerful insights on material value lost to landfills, bale tracing, brand competitive insights, performance analysis, and sorting equipment optimization. For example, if a bale of plastic is moderately compromised with other materials, its value is diminished and can cost recycling facilities more time and money to recover. With the price of recyclable materials increasing, AI and robotics can help minimize material sorting errors and costs, and see greater profit margins.