Tuesday, October 22, 2024
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM (CDT)
Grapevine D
How to Get a Rate Increase from Your City Council

In the realm of municipal solid waste management, the ability for communities to adapt to growth and inflating capital costs and adopt new rates to maintain revenue sufficiency is increasingly challenging. Each community faces unique challenges in determining sustainable solid waste rates that reflect the true cost of service.  

This presentation provides an overview of a comprehensive cost of service rate study, identifying direct and indirect costs associated with solid waste collection, disposal, and recycling and diversion services. Factors such as fleet maintenance, processing fees, landfill fees, and O&M costs will be discussed in the context of determining equitable rate structures for a community’s solid waste customers. By the end of the session, attendees will have gained a deeper understanding of how solid waste rates are designed and provide solid waste city managers and policymakers with the tools and insights needed to navigate the municipal solid waste rate adoption process. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to: … 

  • Discuss the methodology of a solid waste cost of service study and its use in designing rates. 

  • Compare and analyze real-world examples of the rate adoption process. 

  • Prove the justification of rate increases in a manner compelling to elected officials. 

Dave Yanke Savanna Page Cari Anderson Sean Henderson