Thursday, October 24, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM (CDT)
Grapevine 2/3
Leveraging the RNG Potential of Small- to Medium-sized Landfills

Landfills are sources of biogas. In the United States. there are more than 2,500 landfills and only 20% have operational waste-to-energy facilities. Most of existing facilities convert landfill gas to electricity, and the few Renewable Natural Gas facilities were built at large landfills, exceeding 3000 scfm. In the past three years, there has been an undeniable shift in preference for RNG projects on landfills. With that in mind, this session addresses the parameters to consider for RNG projects to promote the utmost benefit for landfills between the mark of 600 – 3000 scfm. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Determine if their landfills are candidates for RNG beneficial-use projects, listing the biggest challenges and risks they may encounter and the potential solutions to mitigate them. 

  • Promote discussions and negotiations to further the implementation of RNG facilities, either through mandatory RFPs in the case of public entities or direct negotiations in the case of privates.  

  • Analyze proposals and assess the best fit for their projects, balancing environmental and financial benefits. 

  • Reflect on what the benefits of an RNG beneficial-use project are for themselves and their communities, while learning to overcome the administrative challenges that might be holding them back from even opening the discussion to implement an RNG facility at their sites. 

Corina Sheridan