Wednesday, October 23, 2024
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM (CDT)
Grapevine C
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Landfill Air Compliance Stories from Coast-to-Coast

In this session, an expert panel shares stories of events and situations seen at landfills across the country, including: trends in air compliance inspections and agency information requests; compliance warnings and NOVs; air permitting nightmares; unique interpretations of regulatory requirements; implications of upcoming regulatory changes; and impacts from emerging technologies. The panelists will share the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to air compliance and permitting at landfills. Attendees will gain an understanding of what is happening at other sites with respect to landfill air compliance in the current regulatory environment and what they can to do to prepare for what may come their way. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Recognize and engage with air compliance trends at landfills around the country. 

  • Comply with changes in regulations and technologies that may affect their sites. 

  • Recognize the importance of planning ahead for any changes in equipment or operations at their sites to ensure they stay in compliance with their air permits and applicable state and federal air regulations. 

Julie Hall