Thursday, October 24, 2024
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM (CDT)
Grapevine 4/5
TikTok, Instagram, and Beyond: Talking Trash on Social Media

You might enjoy consuming social media, but things get a little complex when it comes to using it for business. Suddenly you’re faced with making posts, tuning out all the noise, and protecting your brand. How do you turn sustainability messaging into content that people won’t scroll past and how do you reach your audience? There are many options, and you have limited time to spend. Should you be learning the latest TikTok dance or working on elaborate graphics for an Instagram post? As it turns out, you’ll need to do something because there’s quite a bit of misinformation out there regarding the waste and recycling field, and information travels fast. In this industry, it’s our job to correct misinformation and help your audience make better choices. This session takes a deep dive into how people are currently talking about waste, recycling, and sustainability on social media; ways to join the conversation; and how haulers and other entities can leverage these platforms to their advantage and improve knowledge of sustainable practices to change behavior. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to: … 

  • Avoid costly communication errors in social media use. 

  • Use metrics to evaluate and improve engagement. 

  • Adopt new communication platforms into marketing and communication plans. 

Jessica Shrout