Wednesday, October 23, 2024
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT)
Grapevine 4/5
Mitigating Methane Emissions from Unaddressed Landfills: Challenges and Opportunities

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, more than 28 times stronger than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the atmosphere, per the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Landfills, essential in managing solid waste, are among the three largest industrial emitters of methane in the US. Although solutions to collect and control methane from landfills are widely available today, mitigation efforts are focused on large, regulated landfills that operate with consistent gas quantities and quality. The many smaller, closed landfills and new waste cells at larger landfills that do not yet fall under regulatory requirements may not be suitable for the typical landfill use and control projects and are largely unaddressed. These unaddressed landfills are significant sources of methane emissions, which are typically released directly into the environment.  

Understanding landfills and waste cell physical characteristics, design, regulatory, and operational status is crucial in determining the suitability and type of methane mitigation solutions. This session discusses proprietary methane mitigation solution that includes a landfill gas-powered generator coupled with a methane control and destruction system that meets and/or exceeds EPA emissions standards. Join us to learn about recent landfill installations and discuss the environmental and economic advantages of mitigating methane emissions from the large quantity of unaddressed landfills

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Assess landfill characteristics and operations to determine the suitability for methane mitigation solutions. 

  • Identify necessary solutions to mitigate liability. 

  • Recognize the liability of landfill operations. 

Isaac Garaway