Tuesday, October 22, 2024
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM (CDT)
Grapevine C
The Economics of Safety: Reducing Financial Risk in the Solid Waste Industry

Accidents in the solid waste industry jeopardize worker safety and impose significant financial burdens on companies. This presentation delves into practical approaches to mitigate these financial repercussions and foster a safer work environment. 

Solid waste operations entail handling hazardous materials and operating heavy machinery, making accidents potentially costly regarding medical expenses, regulatory fines, operational disruptions, and increased insurance premiums. This session addresses these challenges and outlines comprehensive safety strategies tailored to the industry's unique risks. Key to minimizing financial impacts is investing in robust safety training programs that ensure employees have the skills to handle materials safely and operate machinery effectively through rigorous safety protocols, including regular risk assessments and standardized operating procedures. 

Gain insights into successful safety initiatives that have reduced accident rates and yielded significant financial savings. By implementing the strategies outlined in this presentation, companies can enhance safety, reduce financial risks, and foster a culture of continuous improvement in the solid waste industry. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Reflect on the various direct and indirect costs associated with accidents, including medical expenses, regulatory fines, operational disruptions, legal costs, and increased insurance premiums.  

  • Prevent accidents using practical tools and training and reduce their financial impact. 

  • Ensure proactive reporting and a leadership commitment to safety.  

Jill Gaffigan Edward Hood Sarah Gustitus-Graham Tyler Bandemer