Wednesday, October 23, 2024
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM (CDT)
Hall ABC
Not Your Parents’ Trash; How AI (Artificial Intelligence) is revolutionizing the Solid Waste Sector

The SWANA Young Professionals Leadership Academy Class of 2024 has prepared a presentation that explores Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is transforming solid waste management, leaving behind inefficient methods for a sustainable future. From collection to facilities (recycling, energy conversion, transfer stations, etc.), AI optimizes operations and boosts resource recovery. Preventative maintenance thrives with AI's predictive power, ensuring reliability and cost savings. AI empowers workers with better safety and more enticing job opportunities for those working in the field. AI can also play a role in educating the public on proper recycling practices and fostering community involvement. This presentation provides an interactive demonstration of an example digital app for community education to combat recycling contamination as well as preview multiple examples of current technologies being used in the solid waste industry.  This presentation emphasizes the importance of adapting to and understanding AI for continued progress in efficiency and sustainability, as well as providing predictions for the future of the industry shaped by AI from the perspective of Young Professionals. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Explain how AI is currently being used in the solid waste sector and the future applications of AI in different stages of solid waste collection. 

  • Discuss the benefits and challenges of implementing AI in waste management. 

  • Recognize the role of human expertise alongside AI in a future waste management system. 

Abigail Fleming Mary-Leigh Ariens Rachel Musetti Simone Chhut Alexis Knox Nikhil Raj