Thursday, October 24, 2024
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM (CDT)
Austin 1
Characterization Study Based Diversion: Where does 50% diversion come from? What about 90%? (Clone)

Increasingly, a number of entities including major cities and even the EPA have goals to improve recycling from the current rate of approximately 30% to 50% or higher. Some goals ultimately want to reach a rate of 90% diversion from landfill from all generated waste. To accomplish this, the question we must ask is: What materials in the waste stream are there to be diverted, and how can they be captured and recycled? This talk will discuss the recyclability and circularity of the components of a recent comprehensive composition study to calculate what the real recycling rate would be based on current technologies, and what improvements would need to be made to accomplish these diversion goals. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to: 

  • Classify the true recyclability and circularity of most currently recyclable materials such as PET water bottles and Cardboard boxes. 

  • Analyze some real-world numbers when it comes to recycling rates based on composition and the current technologies available, especially when it comes to mandated recycling goals. 

  • Appreciate and evaluate the current technology limitations and where improvements will need to be made to achieve increased recycling and circularity. 

Bradley Kelley