Tuesday, October 22, 2024
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM (CDT)
Grapevine C
Facility Fires: 2AM Isn’t the Time to Make a Plan

Fires are occurring with increasing frequency in the solid waste and recycling industry. While fires are certainly a serious safety risk to facility personnel and emergency responders, they also pose an administrative risk as facilities are struggling to keep or renew insurance policies. Learn how developing a fire mitigation plan, and training that plan can help prevent fires from occurring and keep them from escalating by identifying gaps of knowledge, resources, and communication between facility managers and emergency responders. This presentation provides an update on fires within the industry and present real-world case studies of fires so that we can learn from other events (the good and bad). It also addresses the benefits of having a fire mitigation plan, the process of developing the plan and its components, the unique safety risks solid waste facilities pose to emergency responders, strategies to engage emergency response managers, and suggestions on how to “train the plan.” 

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Compare fire events across the US concerning what went well and what could have gone better during their fire mitigation experience. 

  • Identify how and why to properly plan for safe and effective fire mitigation efforts. 

  • Identify and communicate the unique safety risks that solid waste management facilities present to their staff and emergency responders during fires. 

Jeff Phillips Kenneth Miller