Thursday, October 24, 2024
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM (CDT)
Grapevine 4/5
Repurposing: A Value-Creation Process in Sustainability

There are a number of used and surplus materials coming from corporate America that have value that you might be overlooking. The key is finding a second, unrelated industry where the materials have value. This value-creation process is called “repurposing.” What are some examples of repurposing?  It is taking a byproduct or waste stream, such as a retired street sweeper brush, and giving it a second life as a backscratcher for horses or cattle. It is taking a decommissioned fire hose and giving it an extended life as a boat dock fender, or taking an obsolete ski lift cable and giving it a second life as hand railing in a luxury condo building. Join us for a thought- provoking session that will open your mind to new value-creating ideas using obsolete materials. 

After attending this session, participants will be able to:  

  • Consider new ways to look at waste and byproducts beyond their original purpose. 

  • Distinguish between re-use and repurposing. 

  • Identify potential creative re-uses for your own waste streams. 

Damon Carson